Sunday, 22 May 2011

They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

The family of an elderly patient who died from dehydration said they were forced to give him water through a damp flannel - after hospital staff refused to put him on a drip.
One nurse allegedly told the man's daughter: 'You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink' just days before he died.
If you treated a horse the way you treated that man, the RSPCA would want a word...
Another blundering doctor even said Kenneth was ready to be discharged only hours before he passed away - and told coroners his family were happy with his treatment.
Can you be done for perjury in a coroner's court?
Bosses at Royal Derby Hospital, where Kenneth had undergone a routine hip operation, have admitted a string of failures at an inquest into his death.

The hearing even discussed whether Mahya Mirfattiahi should face a police investigation for initially telling a coroner's officer the family were happy with his treatment.
No surprises what conclusion they eventually came to...
But Coroner for Derby and South Derbyshire, Robert Hunter eventually decided not to refer the doctor's actions to police.
Shocker, eh?
Dr Hunter was due to record a verdict last night - telling the family it could be one of accidental death, with a rider of neglect.
And it came to pass that this was, indeed, the verdict.
Brigid Stacey, director of nursing and midwifery, told his inquest: 'I offer sincere condolences to the family of Mr Walters and formally apologise for the insufficiencies.'
That's nice, dear. Who's losing their job, then?

Oh, no-one? How surprising...

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