From AOLNews:
Public Health Minister Dawn Primarolo will announce the new Alcohol Improvement Programme at the National Alcohol Conference in Nottingham. It is hoped the £6 million* measures will help reduce alcohol-related harm.
They include establishing regional alcohol managers, pulling together local information, and increasing access to specialist treatments. Twenty of the most deprived primary care trusts (PCTs) in the country will share £3 million of the funding...
Another £2.7 million will be spent on regional alcohol managers and £450,000 will go to the National Support Team.
An extra £1 million will fund a new Alcohol Learning Centre.
Via The Fat Bigot, who sumarises thusly: "Perhaps £1million out of the 6 will actually go directly into something that might improve patient care, the rest will be spent generating and circulating paper. What better example do we need of the futility and wastefulness of government-led, top-down management of a service?"
* Maybe they'll fund this from the 10p tax on plastic bags that they are thinking of introducing in Wales? See previous post.
Not Much Introspection Here…
18 hours ago
regional alcohol managers
Fucking fantastic. They can make sure I don't run out of Stella 5 mins before my local offy closes while distracted by the footy.
The link you gave is to the item I read, haven't had a chance to look into it further, have been busy strolling.
It's pretty obvious that after the "success" of banning ciggies in company the neo-puritans next target is booze.
The pub is central to Britishness, so it's naturally their most priority target.
AC1, exactly!
I can't help thinking that "alcohol managers" is a new name for "pub managers"...
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